Wow, I’ve been adding lots to my TBR pile, actually false. I’m trying to reduce the number of books on my TBR shelf on Goodreads, and improve my ratio, so I’ve actually been more selective about what books I add to my TBR, it’s a goal thing. Trust me. Top Ten Tuesdays is hosted weekly by The Broke and Bookish and anyone is free to participate! This week’s topic is new to your TBR in a particular genre/category. For this Top Ten, I decided to split it up between two categories? Genres? I just decided to split the list up between new to my TBR graphic novels and new to my TBR NA. On the last TTT I talked a lot about different NA books I’ve found and that I plan to read the rest of the year, so I don’t want to repeat too many of them otherwise you might get bored. Alright, let’s go!

Graphic Novels:

  1. Heroine Complex by Sarah Kuhn
    I’ve been seeing a lot of the modern superhero plot lately and I’m loving it! There’s so much to play and tinker and pluck with this particular niche genre and I have no idea when I’m going to be able to read Heroine Complex *sob* but hopefully my next library will have it (that’s what I keep telling myself).
  2. Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia
    This is kind of cheating. I don’t know very much about this book (And I’d like to keep it that way) besides the fact it’s about drawing (I think?) and it’s told in a non-traditional way, kind of like Gemina and Illuminae. It just sounds really fun and I’ve seen quite a few people talking about it. I might splurge and buy it as an e-book, but again I’d really rather read it as a library book.
  3. /4. A Girl on the Shore by Inio Asano and Erased by Kei Sanabe
    These ones I’ll actually probably have to buy if I want to read them because I doubt not even the Seattle Public Library or New York City library have them (I could always be wrong). I saw them at Barnes and Noble and I have no idea what their reputation is, but I LOVE manga and the covers are gorgeously illustrated.
  4. Seconds by Bryan Lee O’Malley
    I never read Scott Pilgram (even though so many people [including my ex *side eye*] love them), for some reason it just didn’t interest me. Maybe I’ll read them eventually. I saw Seconds at Barnes and Noble and the art was really fun and unique and I read the first couple pages and they were HILARIOUS! So I hope to read it this year, I should be able to accomplish that.
  5. Giant Days by John Allison
    This is a book I’m kind of hesitant to read. It’s NA *oh my stars* about a group of girls who live in an apartment together, which is precisely the reason why I’m hesitant to read it. I officially have it on my TBR, but it’s written by a man. Call me irrational and biased (and petty) that’s fine, but so many men writing women as stereotypical and harmful have me questioning their collective judgement  ¯\_()_/¯

New Adult

  1. To Have and to Hold by Lauren Layne
    This is a book about a wedding planner and I’m hoping it will VERY much be like The Hating Game, the MC is said to have a sharp tongue and it practically begs to be read. Like hate-to-love please collect on my bookshelf.
  2. The Duchess by Courtney Millan
    I have literally seen Courtney Millan on EVERY NA book list I’ve checked and every nook and craney I check to find NA I see her. So I’m going to give her books a try this year (hopefully very soon while I’m still on my contemporary kick)
  3. Knit One Girl Two Shira Glassman
    This adorable sounding book about a woman who likes to knit sounds SO CUTE. It’s an e-book and was recently published, it just sound like a perfect summer contemporary read.
  4. Jane, Unlimited by Kristen Cashore
    We haven’t heard from Kristen Cashore in literally an eon. Like what has she been working on? Apparently a magic-in-the-real-world NA book. I’m not even mad she isn’t publishing another fantasy. I’m there. I’ve seen a few arcs, but largely, it hasn’t had a lot of attention, but I’m still excited for it!
  5. All’s Fair in Blog and War by Chrissie Peria
    This book looks SO FUN. I had it on my last TTT list, hopefully I’ll be able to get to it soon because it has all the elements I look for when I want a good hate-to-love contemporary.

Any mutuals? What’s new to your TBR in NA, graphic novels or anything else?