• We’re off to a spectacular start with Jane Austen quotes at the beginning of chapters. YES.
  • Idk, breaking up with Jane Austen seems pretty bad. I’d like a more concrete argument about why this is necessary.
  • PSA being normal doesn’t mean being a mother for women. There’s not requirement for being normal.
  • Silvia is the best friend anyone could ask for. I’m so glad she’s there to challenge Emma blaming herself for Blake being a clod.
  • I like that Silvia doesn’t have an official introduction. It’s refreshing.
  • Ha, well now we just have to decide if Lucas is the deceptive nice guy or if Blake is. Though personally I’m leaning towards Lucas, that’s exactly what Jane Austen would do. She made everyone think Willoughby was good only to turn around and betray us.
  • Okay, but with the way things are going I feel slightly betrayed by the summary. The back of the book makes Blake out to be some playboy who has no remorse but Lucas keeps saying he’s really sad and sorry? And he KEEPS calling instead of giving up? I’m confused.
  • PUT HIM IN HIS PLACE, Lucas trying to push Emma into this is WAY out of professional bounds, I love her “remember what you were hired for.” YES I’M LIVING.
  • UGH I’m so annoyed at Lucas. Your precious male ego got hurt because you tried to meddle where you don’t belong. I know he was trying to help but making her the villain just because she needs SPACE…? WHAT A CONCEPT. It almost seems irrational, maybe because… wait for it: IT IS.
  • There are so many cues Lucas likes her lol. Why is she so nervous about this. Here are the page numbers: 94, 108, 112
  • Amazing the feats literary characters will go to see their beloved: “the only way to contact my best friend’s boyfriend who I secretly like is to go over to his room at 11pm” um use your CELL PHONE
  • Okay, I totally understand both sides of this though. Lucas totally has the right to be angry based on her assumption. However, it’s not that unexpected of an assumption, although had Emma approached the topic from a different way like, “tell me about April” it definitely would have been better.
  • Ugh, I hate how awkward this is now. Props to the author for actually making ME feel uncomfortable. I’m not even in the book lol.
  • Wow, actual sound judgement from Lucas. I really like how he sees the best in everyone and tries to give the benefit of the doubt. He knew she had April’s best interest at heart.
  • No don’t do it, don’t kiss him. I was covering my eyes the WHOLE time. I can’t even think of a way this story can end happily with her ending up with one of the brothers. I’d say it’s time to jump ship with the whole family.
  • I wonder if co-workers are ACTUALLY that gossipy about people’s love life. I mean it seems a little unrealistic? But then again I’ve never worked in an office before.
  • LOL girl you’re imagining things. His heart was pounding hard because he was dancing for 20+ minutes before.
  • 6/10—Wow, what a day, and a ride. This book was so fun and had a ton of Austen stuff in it. I liked the voice, it was really real and honest. I was wild about Silvia, although we don’t really get to know her a ton and Jared is the real villain of this story, good night and good luck.