• I can’t remember what happened in the first few chapters so rereading it!
  • I love how true Helene is to her character.
  • Of course, Marcus is going to have her hunt Elias and Laia. It just Laia maybe since the Commandant is in cahoots with Marcus and therefore knows Elias is of lesser concern.
  • omgosh. Yes, the Commandant is going to be in the warehouse. Laia just told us.
  • Yahtzee!!!
  • Hmm, interesting twist. With The Soul Catcher. Is there only one of them? Do ALL souls go to her before death if they aren’t ready to move on or are there other prerequisites? I like the set up though about the poison and everything.
  • Confused. If Elias barely paid attention during the toxin lectures why does he remember the one that was barely mentioned???
  • A Torch Against The Night Summary in one sentence: Everyone has magic but no one knows it.
  • Ah, the classic “withhold information for your own good trope” 😑😑
  • Oh, but they’re talking about said trope and challenging it. Yes, we predict favorable conditions.
  • Haha. Of course it’s Keenan. Give me that slow burn love triangle.
  • Well yes, the fighting banter for Laia is to be expected. Honestly I’m a little tired of characters in the love triangle who can’t decide which love interest they want. Like Laia is obviously more emotionally attached to Keenan. But she has a complex relationship with Elias, least of all because he’s the best chance she has of saving her brother. So polyamorous relationships 21K7?
  • Wow. I was very concerned about the situation at Nur. And you know what Elias why did you have to meet her eyes? Like omgosh. Completely unnecessary.
  • No no no no, Elias cannot leave Laia. Why the hell are all the characters being separated like it’s so much more fun to read about them when they’re apart? I think tf not.
  • “You are my release” Crying for DAYSSSSS
  • I will never get over Izzys death and Gibran and the love they would have shared. This is inhuman.
  • Okay: prediction time. Elias has 2 weeks until Rathana, Helene does also and Laia will arrive at Kauf in 2 weeks. Elias is going to die and become the new Soul Catcher days before Rathana. Laia will find Darin and then Helene and Laia will burn the whole cheese and cracker empire down. Well maybe not all of that last sentence. I hope Marcus is killed. Also the Commandant. She’s like Serena Joy in the Handmaids Tale. Wait, but also what about that being the Commandant was talking to in the first book???
  • Also prediction, Izzy will find Elias in the spirit world or wherever it is and he’ll find a way to bring her back hopefully??
  • I mean I know shit hit the fan already with like Elias being poisoned and all, smh why do they continue to let the Commandant live??? And then now Darin is dead and what are the scholars going to do now? Now Elias got caught and ignored the gut feeling that YES of course Warden saw him. *sigh*
  • The Augus are little punk bitches. Idec how “helpful” or
  • “Powerful” they claim to be.
  • Roll credits. Funny observation, the Augurs are the people who say the book title in the book; in both An Ember in the Ashes and A Torch Against The Night.
  • Actually killing Elias isn’t going to be Helene’s unmaking because the Warden is going to do it first? Or is the Warden just going to hand Elias over to Helene?
  • Well I mean it had to happen, but I was just wondering with whom. Elias or Keenan. I’m confused, i don’t get why Laia is do wish you-washy about this whole thing. Maybe it’s just me but it seems like she can’t make up her mind between Elias and Keenan.
  • Oh but VERBAL consent. One million points to Sanaa Tahir!!!
  • OK, but how is Elias going to escape this prison. Damnit, why is Tahir giving us another character to care about, Tas???
  • Nice, feelings, birth control and uncertainty about sex. Yes. Nice. Next step, talking with Keenan about it.
  • I bleeding knew it. Of course he was going to see Izzi in the Waiting Place.
  • This feels very much like the Holocaust, which, of course, was disgusting and horrifying.
  • Re: Harper. One does not simply “not be the Commandants spy ‘anymore'”
  • Why does Laia STILL call Keenan “The Rebel” like she’s not one herself. This actually irked me back in like chapter 10 or whenever they met up. Like why??
  • You know that feeling where you feel intensely guilty for shipping the MC with a lying scheming piece of garbage? Yeah, that old chestnut.
  • Oooooh, that little skank. Keenan has been preventing/discouraging her from developing her power. What a flipping bastard.
  • Surprise, there’s not a lot of comments on here for the last 50 pages because I COULD NOT PUT THIS BOOK DOWN.
  • The prison break scene was a little chaotic for my taste. I had a hard time following it.
  • Summary of the other stuff that happened at the end of the book. Laia learned how to be invisible and Elias finally learned to trust and rely on others. Laia finally made a “good” decision (tbh I think she made the best decision she could with the situation she had). Afya came back and they all barely escaped with some other prisoners and vanished into the Waiting Place. Helene’s younger sister, Hannah, and her parents die at the hand of Marcus after Helene’s tries to expose the Commandant’s coup. The Scholar’s leave the waiting place except for Laia and Darin and Darin wakes up.
  • Some random thoughts:
    • Why are the Scholars leaving the Waiting Place?
    • What exactly is Laia if she’s got magic but she’s not a jinn is she some other fey creature? And also the same for Helene?
    • When is the Warden going to come collect on Helene’s deal?
    • How is Elias going to play into the next book if he can’t leave the Waiting Place?
    • I’m really glad Darin woke up because, like for him to not wake up would be the actual worst.
    • Does the Nightbringer have all the pieces of the star? Or does he still need to look for more of them?
    • Why is the next book being released so far away from now????