• The only Nicholases(?), Nicholasi(?) I can think of when I think of the whole name of Nicholas is Nicholas Sparks and Nicholas Cage. Sorry please don’t @ me for this.
  • More creative ways to say “stupid” give me life.
    • “To all appearances had a brain in his skull”
  • Ooooh, the paintings are somehow connected to Nick’s travel???
  • Wait, so Sophia, what kind of power does she have?
  • I’m a fan of insta-like, just not insta-love.
  • I honestly can’t say who I think Etta should side with between Sophie and Nick, but she’s obviously going to pick Nick because book summary said so.
  • I was about to be really angry because Etta slapping Mr. Wren reinforces the white savior stereotype, but she recognizes it, now let’s see if she say anything to Nicholas about it.
  • Apparently I’m a fan of insta-love. I just love these characters so much already.
    • But real talk, how can he know she already has ~that~ affect on him after 10 days and like 3 conversations. I can’t relate to insta-love. I just like reading about it.
  • People keep talking about how kind and good souled Julian was, but in the prologue he seemed like your basic douche.
  • When is Nicholas going to tell Etta the past can’t be saved? If Julian couldn’t be saved what’s to say Alice can be?
  • Well I’m glad he didn’t hold onto that the rest of the book, that would have definitely been a predictable plot point.
  • I’m glad Bracken is having Etta realize her white privilege at various points in this book.
  • Nicholas’ wonder at all the modern conveniences, such as airplanes and cars, is adorable.
  • There’s going to be SO much romantic angst in these series isn’t there? They both so badly want it but….
  • OH for heaven’s sake, the man Etta and Nicholas perceive to be Thorns is Etta’s father.
  • I like there’s a reason for Etta to be able to locate the astrolobe quickly. I’m a huge opposer of ex machina.
  • Nicholas and Etta’s chemistry is on FIRE. But why don’t people just say what they want to? I’ll never understand why characters (authors writing characters) will go to such lengths to deny themselves the happiness we all clearly know they want.
  • OMGOSH, wow I actually thought Nicholas was going to die.
  • Glad Bracken didn’t make Etta the girl who makes a rash decision and runs off by herself without any provisions in a very unrealistic way. She was kidnapped; much smoother.
  • Wow, I actually thought Etta was going to die.
  • WHOA wtheck? Etta actually died??
  • But wait, how is Nicholas going to “fix” this, I thought deaths couldn’t be prevented?? OK, time travel is very difficult to follow. Someone help me out here. How is Nicholas going to save Etta? I’m still a bit confused by the whole time traveler thing.
  • So she’s not dead? But she is dead? So she’s back somewhere in time? I’m not quite sure where she is… The details are a bit sloppy. Where is Julian if he’s alive?
  • Also I’m still confused by the wrinkle thing (props to Bracken for mentioning that concept earlier in the book so it’s not an ex machina thing).
  • OK time traveling no longer sounds fun amymore as I’m thinking about Rose returning to her “proper time.” How would it be to continually return to an every changing future/time without actually living it???
  • 7/10, I really enjoyed this book. And I wanted to continue to read it so badly and it was hard to commit to doing basic necessities such as eating, drinking (water), going to work to earn money to eat and drink (water). SO HARD. I saw the hype for Wayfarer, but picked Passenger up on a whim while browsing at my library. I’m so glad I did, and like 50 pages out of the end I was like SHIT IS GOING DOWN I NEED TO PUT THE SEQUEL ON HOLD ASAP AT MY LIBRARY. But I didn’t actually do that until after I finished BECAUSE I WAS SO DISTRACTED BY THE ENDING.
    • I really liked the way the book was written, although I know some people didn’t. Some people find it confusing it was written in 3rd person I liked that. I’m actually quite partial to 3rd person. However, sometimes I felt like it wasn’t consistent with the characters/scenes. Like sometimes we’d know what Etta was thinking and go pages without understanding anything what Nicholas was feeling/doing. If you’re describing a book in third person you want to paint a good picture and that includes both of the characters right?
    • I loved that this couple is interracial, being in an interracial relationship myself, and I would love to read more interracial romances.
    • I think (and by think I really mean, I think, because I’m not entirely sure and I don’t have any authority to analyze it accurately), Bracken did a good job interweaving race into this book in a subtle way, and by subtle I mean it affects both the characters on a day-to-day fundamental basis. For example, because of the place and how I was raised, I am very privileged; like Etta when she considers living in Nicholas’ time but fails to consider interracial marriage was illegal in his time. But similar Nicholas, I’ve also experienced racism and know what it’s like to be the person who stands out in every way; for example, one of my roommates in college asked if I could see when I smiled (because apparently my eyes looked too “squinty” to see anything through them when I expressed joy. Yes, that was very racist of her). I’m not trying to claim I know anything about what Nicholas experiences as a black person though because I’m not black. I am a women of color, and oppression has always been there, like it has been for Nicholas.
    • I found relatable characteristics and desires in both of the characters. I related to Nicholas in that he often feels like life is against him and things never go his way (I’ve felt that way in regards to schooling, career and many things in between). But I also related to Etta in different ways that I can’t specifically remember right now because they maybe have been 100, 200 pages back. Most likely her dismay at being treated like a woman from Nicholas’ time because of his unconscious bias (which he does begin to reconcile with towards the end of the book, in subtle ways of course).