• Comparing your new family with your old family is so charming dad character, please continue *eye roll*
  • TW: Sexual assault
  • Mr. Ram is basically General Iroh—may he rest in peace—don’t @ me.
  • So Shazam as in the super absorbent towel infomercials featured, or Shazam as in the music finder?
  • Also, as nice as Jeremy is, Shazam is the real love interest here.
  • Jan’s anxiety regarding the monster is very similar to how many women feel. We feel leered at and watched. I constantly feel like this, especially when I make eye contact, look away, and the person is STILL looking at me.
  • I can’t explain how awful it is to feel like you’re always cornered and you can’t tell anyone about what happened because they would never believe you. I think about Jan and I’m just so sad. Farooq should just disappear. Forever.
  • You know I was really nervous about Tats because we didn’t know a lot about her and her behavior was very sketch but I’m happy she came through as a good friend. She definitely didn’t earn an A with her sleuthing skills, but all things considered her conversation with Jeremy about Jan warrants at least a B-.
  • Also, Jan can kind of be a jerk, especially when it comes to Sarah. Calling her Saint Sarah is condescending, even though I know it fits with the whole theme.
  • This mystery guy who rides in Aliya, Nuah, and Jan’s car is going to be Farooq isn’t it?
  • Also I’m incredibly nervous about this trip and everyone staying in the same house.
  • I really like Janna was able to see Sausan in a new light. It’s refreshing and it’s nice how her perception was able to change and how she challenged her bias.
  • 7/10—I ADORED this book and Janna (most of the time) and the arc of Janna. She grows so much as a character and comes into her own as a person. The supporting characters aggravated me a lot though. It felt like there were barely any likable characters here; they all did irrational things but didn’t explain why. I guess that’s life, but I personally would have enjoyed an explanation. I liked that Janna changed her opinions on both Sarah and Sausan, but the other characters I felt like could have used some more depth. Some random notes:
    • When people (Fizz) are toxic in your life, let them go. I’m glad this book addressed that. I’m glad that when Janna finally told Fizz about Farooq, she was secure enough in herself to stand her ground. I’m also glad that Janna was secure enough to know not to go after her and apologize and to let that toxic friendship go.
    • Most of the characters, with the aforementioned exception, listened to Janna (regarding the assault) and believed and stood by her. That is So important for sexual assault victims to see; that people will believe them and support and help them.
    • I like how my assumptions of the characters were wrong. I thought Tats was flaky and she frustrated me after only a few interactions, but she turned out to Janna’s best friend and ally.
    • At the beginning you have Janna being quite judgmental of Sarah, especially before she gets to know her. And same with Sausan. After she gets to know Sausan, she understands her and almost becomes friends with her, if at least not allies. So I really enjoyed that arc and seeing, specifically, how Janna grew in that regard.